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Quarantine life is just a little crazy

Have you ever noticed that when you can't have something is when you really want it? Such is life in quarantine. Most people have enough groceries to last at least a week. Living in rural Montana, you learn to stock up on most things.

Last week, I found out I was in close contact (more than 15 minutes with no masks) of two people who tested positive for coronavirus. Immediately I did the right thing and went into quarantine. And immediately, I thought about how I would occupy myself for 10 days. How I would run my business and everything I needed to do to keep my employees safe.

As a result, The Ledger is following suit with other businesses such as banks and closing our lobby to customers. We can still help you and you can still call, but we're being extra careful as the number of positive cases is on the rise in Sanders County.

So we're doing our part and I'm working to keep my staff and customers safe. Everyone should be doing their part.

Back home in quarantine, it's amazing how I want to now do all these things that were never a priority before. My closet is super clean and I have a bookshelf that needs painting right now. I dusted off my sewing machine for the first time in a year only to find a crucial piece is missing, and it's a very big problem that I can't start a quilt for which I've had the fabric since 2008.

Yeah, priorities change in quarantine. But the number one priority is keeping everyone safe. If you're contacted by the health department or an individual and told you're a close contact of a positive COVID-19 case, take the necessary precautions. Going a little crazy in quarantine for 10 days is a lot better than the potential risk of infecting others.

If you're in quarantine, send us news of how you're staying busy on our Facebook page or email [email protected]. Hopefully it goes without saying, but wear your masks!


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