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Sad reality for Noxon bridge

Dear Editor:

After reading your news concerning the petition filed with the Fish and game commission that opposes motors on boats in the Bull River, I obtained a copy of the petition by Paul Overman of Heron, MT.

In reading the petition, it bans all motors and imposes a "no-power use" rule on the Bull River.

There is no distinction between electric motors and any power motors in the petition.

I have lived here on the Bull River, above where the East Fork comes in for 38 years now, and I have a 9 foot boat with a 1.5 hp motor, very small.

No one wants to have fast power boats or jet skiing on the river. Thus came up in the 90's due to jet skis and Hal Harpers bill which addressed this issue back then was defeated (it had other issues in it), as the MEIC did not want motors limited (I believe it was for only motors below 10HP), they wanted them banned from the river.

All you fishing people should be aware that this petition does not distinguish between electric motors, and other power boats.

Now, nobody wants to allow jet skis or fast power boats on the river, but why are there no exceptions or limitations? Like any motor must be under 5 hp for example.

Why no electric motors? I can tell my 1/5 hp small boat does not go fast enough to cause any of the problems Mr Overman mentioned.

Sincerely, Wayne Hirst, Noxon


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