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Putting America first

A recent letter to the editor attempted (and failed) to condemn Matt Rosendale for his lack of intoxication with the current propaganda Kool-Aid flavor of the month; liberally being served over the 24/7 news outlets and internet that, “Putin/Russia bad. Zelensky/Ukraine good.”

If much of the false narrative from certain media and “experts” who lied to us about the Wuhan bioweapon and unsafe and ineffective experimental mRNA injections; and have completely ignored the current CDC’s VAERS numbers with over 1 million adverse events, 45,615 permanently disabled, 24,827 deaths, 4,209 miscarriages; what makes anyone think they wouldn’t as well on Russia/Ukraine, U.S. biolabs located in Ukraine, corrupt governments, the U.S. and NATO roles? 3, 2, 1, let the shouts of “CONSPIRACY THEORIES” begin! Give it a little time and when the truth comes out… and it always does; all the deniers who would rather be told what to think and won’t do their own fact checking will eventually come around to quietly ignoring the facts… again.

The devil is in the details (or the lack of them). Priorities matter. Facts matter. ALL of them. As someone once said, “people are entitled to their own opinions; but not their own facts.” “Misinformation isn’t a one-way street or only a Russia tactic. Matt Rosendale isn’t a villain just because he sees the political gamesmanship of a worthless/dangerous and largely “symbolic” U.S. Congressional resolution. What came out of Congress’ “condemnation” of Russia’s invasion and resolution of “support” for Ukraine’s sovereignty? Nothing. Rosendale was one of only three who like Rep. Massie (who also voted against it) said the resolution called for “immediate defensive security assistance to Ukraine, which is so overly broad that it could call to commit American troops to the fight on behalf of Ukraine.”

Rep. Paul Gosar, the third who voted against the resolution, said to another condescending comment by Rep. Kinzinger, “Talk to me when our border is secure.”

Rep. Rosendale introduced H.R. 6648 on February 8, 2022. Rosendale’s Secure America’s Borders First Act “would ban the use of federal dollars to assist Ukraine until the U.S.-Mexico border achieves ‘operational control,’ including a border wall. Rosendale said on Tuesday, “The American people are sick and tired of career politicians consistently putting the interests of foreign nations above our own. We must put America first.”

Where Rosendale was born and where he was originally from and what a highway was named is just subterfuge to distract from our house being intentionally destroyed from within; while focused on Ukraine’s house on fire. Claims of a “porous southern border” might be nearsighted to the fact that the U.S. Border Patrol estimates the invasion will be 400k this month and next. You won’t hear that on CNN.

Unless the author(s) of the previous letter to the editor have personally contacted Rep. Matt Rosendale and asked him whether he is intentionally trying to “make a grandstand play for votes this fall” we can chalk that comment up as just personal opinion with no facts or evidence to support it. As one of a majority of constituents who elected him and hopefully will again; I’m confident his stand represents at least those of us who understand that while we pray and are concerned for the welfare of the people of Ukraine and Russia; like him, we also are equally aware of the importance of the incursion of drugs, human trafficking and invasion at our open southern border and putting “America first.” As well as the current myriad of wars occurring in Somalia, Darfur, Myanmar, South Sudan, Angola, Ethiopia… that somehow evade ever being newsworthy or mentioned. Wonder why.

Gunner Junge,

Thompson Falls


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