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Start paying attention

Within the past few weeks, many Sanders County residents have learned of legislation that threatens the water rights of many of those living in Northwest Montana.

Last Saturday, October 29, there was a meeting at the White Pine Mennonite Church for the purpose of getting information out to Sanders County residents concerning the loss of their water rights as the result of The Tribal Water Compact.

My conservative estimate as to the number of people in attendance is 160 to 180 people.

During the first portion of the presentation, the speaker asked if there were any officials or commissioners from Sanders County present. I could see several people looking around the room trying to spot someone raising their hands. There were no hands raised, and grumblings of discontent could be heard from several people in the room.

I was one of them. Not one of our commissioners could take two hours out of their weekend to attend this very important opportunity to gain knowledge about the situation concerning our water rights, or loss of, as the case may be.

Were all of them busy with family events? Or maybe there was a college football game which was more important. Hopefully they weren't too busy counting the number of pay days before the end of the year.

It would have been nice to see all of them in attendance, or at least have THE ONE that drew the short straw show up.

Needless to say, I as well as many others were deeply disappointed.

When the meeting was opened up for questions and comments from the audience, one woman spoke of speaking with one of the commissioners regarding her concerns. She said she was told by that commissioner that she had nothing to worry about unless her well produced more than 36 gallons per minute.

It's my guess that this commissioner has not taken the time to research this issue and if he did happen to attend the other meeting in Plains a few weeks ago, he must have slept through the presentation.

We are all going to be impacted by this. The pen that wrote this restrictive legislation can easily change the 36 gallon per minute figure to 3.

If farmers are the only ones impacted by this restrictive compact, it will impact us all. Ifarmers can't get water for their crops or livestock, we are all going to be eating seaweed.

Our commissioners need to stop peeking through their belly buttons, start paying attention to what's going on, and make sound decisions regarding what's in the best interest of Sanders County residents.

There is a meeting of the commissioners this Thursday at the courthouse. I will be out of the state and unable to attend. Maybe someone will see fit to read this letter to them in my absence.

Respectfully submitted,

Gordon Wood,

Trout Creek


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