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Opportunities come from learning to listen

On separate occasions recently, I was influenced unexpectedly to listen. I’m a pretty good listener, given my occupation, but what I took away from the instances last week was being open to listening. Our lives are busier every day with more distractions and obligations. It seems almost ridiculous to add “remember to listen” to the to-do list.

However, you never know when someone you listen to or something you hear is going to change your life. It might not be a major mind-blowing alteration to your life, but maybe someone will say something that makes you think about a situation slightly different. Listening could introduce you to a new volunteer opportunity or hobby, a new place to get a great coffee, or to someone who can help you solve a problem. Sometimes, it might lead to those big changes.

Someone talking about a place they used to live might prompt you to visit and move there yourself. I always wanted to live in Texas after I heard someone talking about it. I had a vision of my best friend and I moving to a little town, meeting cowboys and running a business together. Eventually I did live in Texas, but it was not the romantic comedy I had in my head. It was still an experience and some of the people I met did change my life. I gained new job skills and gained a new appreciation for high school football. It didn’t turn out to be what I wanted forever, but I’m glad I listened and let myself experience it.

With all the noises coming at us in a variety of different media today, it’s easy to shut out the voices with which we don’t agree or we have a preconceived opinion about. I encourage you to be open to the opportunities that come from listening. ­— Annie Wooden


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