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Compact deserves closer look

Dear Governor Greg:

I sure wish you would take a serious look back on this CSKT water compact. I understand the urge to postulate to the tribes as a gesture, thinking no harm in it. After reviewing the treaties, the sale of the property, and the agricultural operations that have been going on since without any harm to anyone or create environmental issues. What compelled you and our Republican senator, just sign off on this? As a law person I see simple text in the U.S. Constitution, and the Montana Constitution, the Tribes representation is extrapolating certain meanings to create the vision of a violation. We both know the compelling reasons of doing this are hidden away beneath the surface because not one person can or will articulate why, and why now? This leaves your conservative constituency wondering what is going on here? We are hearing the power is going to reach far beyond simple turning irrigation on and off, but including recreation! Does the federal government have a problem with wielding power over any segment of our lives, let alone something as necessary as water is for life and the growing of food? The act of signing this is also setting the stage for confrontations that can quickly escalate because this is not a just compact and now with all these layers of bureaucracy, each layer is able to deflect or defer the probing questions to the other layer. So Governor Greg, why and why now? It is time to speak on this matter and you personally need to be accountable and explain this matter once and for all.

Respectfully, Chris Hill, Trout Creek


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