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Woman's clubs thank teachers

As an annual event, the Plains Woman's Club (PWC), a member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, delivered baked goods to the Plains schools for Teacher Appreciation Day. This was led by Janet Brandon who is also known as "Big Cookie." Brandon supervised the group, who baked and helped make up the boxes and bags. The ladies gathered their goodies at the VFW in Plains to decorate the boxes and plates and make thank you notes for teachers, administrators and bus drivers.

"This tradition started back in the 1920's with a tea party for the teachers," baker Debbie Heckman said. The High Tea, as it was called, involved dressing up and wearing gloves to the ceremony that was held in honor of the teachers. It was very fancy, Heckman added.

Traditionally, in England the High tea is evening tea consisting of what is known as dinner or supper. The seating is in high-backed chairs. People dressed for dinner, or High tea, according to

The tea parties lasted about 50 years. Then traditions changed and the cookie trays became an easier alternative, according to the ladies who were present at this year's cookie event.

In addition, the PWC is preparing for its 100-year anniversary celebration in October 2024. Some events are planned leading up to the anniversary. At the VFW in Plains on October 14, there will be a cake walk fundraiser starting at 2 p.m.

"This game will facilitate the PWC's big project," said Jamie Schmidt in an email. The projects will include restoration of signs and adding benches to some of the local parks in Plains.

"In the 20's the annual fee for being a club member was $1.75. Now in 2023 it is $25 a year," Heckman added.

"There will be annual pumpkin decorating at the Methodist Church in Plains on Halloween," Brandon said.

If an excess of funds are donated the club wants to use the remainder for pickleball courts at the sports complex in Plains, Schmidt added.

In honor of Teacher Appreciation day, the Thompson Falls Woman's Club, The General Federation of Women's Clubs, got together to make cookie trays to be delivered to the Thompson Falls schools and administrative offices. The group responsible for the trays included Catherine DeWitt, Margie Rohwer, Marsha Hart, Linda Rocheleau, Joni Mosher, and Lorraine Renard.


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