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Letters to the Editor

Wearing masks really does work

As the slow process of vaccinating the public proceeds, the nation is faced with a new variant of Coronavirus which is more communicable. And large numbers of people still refuse to wear a mask.

Some contend masks don't help. But they do! Numerous tests have proven their effectiveness.

An article in the June 27, 2020, issue of The Lancet – that worldwide respected British medical journal – attests to that. Issue 10242, Vol. 395.

The article summarizes results of more than 170 studies of the use of masks in combating the spread of a pandemic. The conclusion is that the wearing of masks produces a “large reduction in infection.” It concludes that a mask, “protects people (both health care workers and the general public) against infection.”

Since it will take many months to vaccinate sufficient numbers of the public, and since two more virulent forms of the virus have developed, the safest approach is to wear a mask.

Newscasts of the newly seated Montana Legislature make it obvious many of our elected leaders do not set a good example. Neither do numerous politicians on the national level. To those poor examples we can add many local enterprises that set a poor example compared to a few that set perfect examples of what should be done, i.e., “Mask Required.”

The contention of those who claim they “cannot breathe with a mask” is also fallacious as scientific studies have shown.

Hopefully more businesses will REQUIRE MASKS and more individuals will wear them to protect themselves and others and to reduce the spread of the pandemic.

Ernest Scherzer,

Trout Creek


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