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Hawks tip off season with wins

The boys and girls basketball teams traveled to Powell County to take on the Deer Lodge Wardens last weekend. The Blue Hawk boys claimed victory over the Wardens with a score of 63-50. Coach Jake Mickelson said that the boys shot around 50% from the field. “We were able to win the rebounding battle which was huge and I was impressed with our shot selection being as good as it was so early in the season,” said Micklelson.

Senior Jesse Claridge scored 25 points with 8 rebounds and 5 steals. Bryson LeCoure racked up 20 points with 8 rebounds Ben Cooper scored 11 points and had 6 rebounds. Nick Tessier and Josh Wilhite scored 3 points each for the team and Braxton Dorscher scored 1 point. “The Deer Lodge boys were scrappy and our boys matched the intensity if not exceeded that of Deer Lodge,” said Mickelson.

The Blue Hawk girls triumphed over Deer Lodge with a score of 67-26. “Once we got settled down and started playing we looked good, things started to click and we kept it up,” said Coach Mike Tessier.

Senior Ellie Baxter scored 25 points with 13 rebounds. Senior Avery Burgess scored 22 points and gained 11 rebounds. Both Chesney Lowe and Solveig Nygaard came away with 6 points each.

Tessier said that the team has tremendous depth, as well as being quick, tall and long. “We’re looking to put emphasis on our tough defense,” he said.


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