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Devoted to helping others

Letter to Editor

We in Thompson Falls lost such a special man this past week with the passing of Don Burrell. Don devoted his life to his family and helping others. He was an active member of local organizations, and there was never a Sanders County Fair that Don didn’t work so hard in heat, dust and often smoke. But the most inspiring qualities that define Don are his kindness, his willingness to do whatever was needed to help people. Don was the most giving and caring of men. He exemplified qualities that we should all hope to have. I’m sure Don had many challenges in his life, and yet he greeted everyone with a big smile that was so genuine. I couldn’t even count the times that someone would need help, sometimes it was me, and I would suggest or ask Don. Don was always willing and eager to do whatever he could to be of help. When Miss Montana landed at the Thompson Falls airport last year, Don cooked hamburgers and hot dogs for hours. I knew he was in charge of cooking so I had no worries that all would go well with food. Don could be counted on 100% to do whatever job was needed. It’s not easy to find people so willing to give of themselves on behalf of others. Some of you reading this may not have known Don, but you will miss him. Community, county, organizational events that need willing workers will be without the one who always stepped up first and gave all to make sure events were successful. We all will miss this most wonderful man.

Ruth Cheney, Thompson Falls


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