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Men's leagues tee off

Men’s leagues at River’s Bend kicked off the 2024 season last week. The Tuesday and Wednesday leagues started with a team scramble.

On Tuesday, the MT Best Builders (Kevin Sparks, Nathan Snead, Tom Holleran, Mike Thilmony, Doug Czerwinski and Gary Potts) combined for a low score of 32. Sparks (No. 4), Snead (No. 7), Mike Tessier (No. 5) and Dave Petteys (No. 9) each had a chip-in in their first league round of the year. Rusty Haggard sank the long putt on No. 3, Arthur Potts was closest to the pin on No. 5, Charlie Hooten had the long putt on No. 6, John Mosher was closest to the pin on No. 8, and Tessier and Doug Fisher smashed the long drives on No. 9.

On Wednesday, North Star Drilling team members Ron Beaty, Paul Flemmer, Ricky Hagedorn, Bernie Groshong and Wally Anderson had the low scramble score of 31. Doug Fisher had one of the long drives on No. 9 (Mike Baxter was the winner for those 54 and under) as well as the drive closest to the pin on No. 8, while Jay Deal had the long putt on No. 6, Randy Hojem took that honor on No. 3, Chadd Laws was closest to the pin on No. 5 and Dan Kier (No. 1) and Hagedorn (No. 3) had the only chip-ins for the evening.

The men’s leagues will get down to business this week with their first competition rounds.


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