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Articles from the April 9, 2020 edition

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  • How coronavirus affects kids

    Apr 9, 2020

    by Rachel Cooper Rachel Cooper, who is 8 years old (and awesome!!!), has had a hard life during the Quarantine. She says, “I have a hard time because the Quarantine makes it so I have to learn from home & my new teacher is sooooo mean!!!!!” “Before the quarantine, I attended Trout Creek School with seven other students in the 3-4th grade. I liked to read and play on the bars at recess. Now at home, I have to do work every day (even on weekends!!!).” She says it isn’t all bad, though, “I do school on a computer (which I LOVE!!!), and I even...

  • Crossword solution

    Apr 9, 2020

    SOLUTIONS ACROSS 1. RCMP 5. Elba 9. Booboo 11. Onions 13. Airdrop 15. Outmode 16. Ilk 17. Christopher 19. Teen 21. Sonic 22. Oaf 23. Drab 25. Acer 26. Ton 27. Sula 29. Arises 31. Save 33. Sees 34. Beheld 36. State 38. CIA 39. Roes 41. Leda 43. Cap 44. Apnea 46. Site 48. Apologetics 52. Fog 53. Dilates 54. Sensing 56. Stasis 57. Sauces 58. Ares 59. Pees SOLUTIONS DOWN 1. Roiled 2. Corkers 3. MBD 4. Porc 5. Ento 6. Limp 7. Boohoos 8. Andean 9. Bait 10. Oohs 11. Outcries 12. Serf 14. Proa 15. Osiers 18. Inca 20. Nausea 24. Blah 26. Testes 28....

  • Bison Range closing temporarily

    Apr 9, 2020

    The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) is temporarily closing the National Bison Range to visitors, effective Thursday, April 9. The suspension of operations is to ensure the health and safety of our visitors and employees in light of the coronavirus pandemic and the large increase in visitation experienced at the refuge in recent days that was precluding effective social distancing. The decision to temporarily close the refuge to public use was supported by Lake County, the Confederated Salis...