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Good news for conservation values

To the Editor,

Two recent public opinion polls show good news and strong support for conservation values. Large majorities of Montanans show widespread support for protecting wild public lands, wilderness and wildlife habitat. This support comes from both urban and rural populations, and members of both political parties. The surveys also reflect concerns about the effects of rapid population growth on our public lands.

Both polls have been conducted for many years, and both show increasingly strong support for conservation over the years. These polls are considered highly credible, and both were conducted by bi-partisan teams of pollsters.

We are so fortunate to live in an area where we can access and enjoy the wonders of wild nature, and the presence of native wildlife which is almost unique in the world. We are fortunate to live where we can still have access to big chunks of public lands, to go and be renewed by the simple joys that flourish there. As Montanans we know that, as our state develops and grows, this is all the more reason to protect our treasured wild lands and wildlife habitat.

For info on the surveys, Google: UM Public Lands Survey; State of the Rockies Poll.

Doug Ferrell,

Trout Creek


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