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105 YEARS AGO • JUNE 28, 1917


General Walkout in County Part

of Nation-Wide Movement


Sanders County lumber camps have shut down as a result of a general strike, which is part of a nationwide strike conducted under the direction of the I.W.W. The Russell camp and Polley's mill at Plains both were shut down Monday. The big job at Tuscor was shut down some time ago for a couple of weeks, but it is running again with a new crew. The Burrill mill at Plains was shut down before the walkout.

The strike demands include a basic pay of $60 per month instead of $45 and $50, and $5 per day on all drives. They also cover improvements in food, better bunkhouse conditions and an eight-hour day. Twelve men in a bunkhouse and a separate room for drying their clothes are the specific requests made.

Many of the men who were not I.W.W.'s, the strike leaders claim, have joined the organization since the walkout. The chief scene of action in this county is at Plains. There the strikers have rented a house and are pooling their resources for a grocery fund to keep them until the strike is over.

90 YEARS AGO • JUNE 29, 1932


The Larson boys at Noxon are negotiating for the lease of the Thompson Falls Mercantile. They plan to make preparations to move in as soon as possible after all terms of the lease are agreed upon. The Larsons are successful merchants at Noxon and will run this store together with their store at Noxon. They are aggressive, pushing merchants, and will prove to be strong competition.


Arthur Brauer, James Boyack and Mr. and Mrs. Willis Dunlap climbed Mt. Silcox on Friday evening and spent the night with Fred Irving at the Silcox lookout. The first lookout at Mt. Silcox was a log cabin built in 1908. It was followed by a 35-foot steel windmill tower in 1923, a cupola cabin in 1926, and was destroyed in 1962. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap returned the next day, but the boys went on to Headley, spent a night there, and then went down the West Fork of Thompson River and spent the night at Bay State Creek with Breeze Boyack's trail crew. They returned Sunday morning by way of the Snorf mine.


Mrs. Margaret Mack made a complaint against one Henry Founier for using profane and obscene language before women and children. Founier in this case is guilty of a misdemeanor. His hearing will come before Justice Hatz in Dixon on Thursday. On his arrest, he was given a bond of $50.

30 YEARS AGO • JUNE 25, 1992


One of Thompson Falls' oldest business establishments, Thompson Falls Drug, is planning to close its doors soon and go out of business, owner Dale LeVine advised the Ledger on Tuesday. He said the store is offering its merchandise at 25 percent off and that eventually any stock not sold here will be distributed among the firm's other four drug stores at Osburn, Wallace, Kellogg and Rathdrum, Idaho.

LeVine said it appeared that Thompson Falls is not large enough to support two drug stores. He said the pharmacy section has been losing ground for the past three years.

Past owners of the store were Ernie Ross and Ted Mellinger. Bruce Dobney has been serving as local manager and registered pharmacist for the past several years.


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