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A shift in focus

There's a subtle shift happening this week. The energy and adrenaline of summer and fall that built up to the election is giving way to the season of giving and thankfulness.

Lately in the stores and at the post office, people have kept their heads down, focused on their tasks, and there hasn't seemed to be as much mingling. Everyone is rushing to the next event or to shuffle kids to activities or to get back to work.

As the holidays approach, though, our daily lives get busy with shopping, school concerts, Christmas on Main Street and bazaars nearly every weekend. That's the kind of busy I like. I enjoy seeing groups get together to make sure everyone has food to cook on Thanksgiving. I love hearing about the different skills people showcase at holiday bazaars, seeing kids help wrap presents and buying Christmas gifts from local artisans.People coordinate with Sanders County Coalition for Families to adopt families and buy Chritmas gifts for local children. The Cancer Network of Sanders County is holding their annual lantern launch Saturday evening to remember those we've lost.

The holidays will be busy and probably a little overwhelming as well, but it's so nice to feel all the positive energy in our communities. I'm always amazed with how much our small towns and organizations can accomplish when it comes to helping others.

This Thanksgiving, I hope everyone gets a few moments to stop and smell the turkey. Enjoy being with your friends and family. I'm thankful for eveyrone who gives back to Sanders County and for the volunteers who give all year long. —­ Annie Wooden


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