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Our Viewpoint - Spring is here

Spring is here – finally!

The other day I spoke with a friend on the east coast who was lamenting about the 58-degree weather. I laughed and said I had considered not wearing a sweater on my walk in 38-degree weather the same day. The humidity and wind of the east is completely different from our dry air here, but across the country, we’re all ready for spring. Fortunately, the signs are appearing, and not just because the calendar tells us the new season is here.

One of the most notable signs of the changing season is the birds. It’s always a challenge to see who can spot the first robin. Last weekend, the birds were out, the chipmunks were scurrying and the ducks and geese were active on the reservoir, enjoying the open space as the ice had melted. There were also more people out and about. It takes a little more time to cross the street. The walks my dog and I have taken throughout the winter without seeing a soul have a few more visitors. All the things that were buried in winter are blooming and the crocuses are making their first appearances. Many people have been out raking their yards and flower beds. The calves and farm cats are bouncing around with renewed energy.

All of these things are welcome signs of spring. Another sure sign of the season is the mud that now adorns every pair of shoes I own, not just my farm boots. One day last week I wore sandals just to spite winter, and immediately regretted my decision. But as the days continue to get longer and everything awakens, we will welcome all aspects of the season, even the mud.

Enjoy the changing of the seasons and all that our area has to offer this spring.

— Annie Wooden


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