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Justice Court

Montana Highway Patrol

Lacey Beck, 24, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Peter Garland, 37, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Trudy Pedersen, 53, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Bryan Bukey, 34, day speeding, $70.

Angela Pesqueira, 44, day speeding, $70.

John Erwin, 40, speeding in a restricted zone, $55.

Jubal Ryan, 24, seatbelt violation, $20.

John Fickas, 52, careless driving, $45; seatbelt violation, $20.

Julie Ellefson, 57, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Debora Erickson, 52, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Mark Henze, 32, operating without liability insurance, 1st offense, $285; driving while privilege suspended/revoked, 1st offense, $275; seatbelt violation, $20.

Robert Pfennigs, 39, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Ashton Stoddard, 19, failure to carry proof of insurance in vehicle, 1st offense, $285; speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

James Story, Jr., 67, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Bailey Rice, 27, day speeding, $20.

Maciel Delfino, 46, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Gabriel Hanna, 28, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Alyssa Sandquist, 35, speeding in a restricted zone, $95.

Amos Laub, 19, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Stuart Bray, 43, speeding in a restricted zone, $65.

Ella Nelson, 30, speeding in a restricted zone, $85.

Sanders County Sheriff’s Office

Joel Cobert, 31, operating with expired registration, $85; night speeding, $55.

Joseph Evans, 48, operating non-commercial vehicle with alcohol concentration of 0.08% BAC or greater, 1st offense, $685.

Hondo Ryan, 20, speeding in a restricted zone, $70.


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