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Our Viewpoint: Make Time Count

It's time. This week we are focused on the time counting down to 2024. Remembering the moments in 2023 and being hopeful for the next year. There's so much energy put into this final week. Did you go on that trip? Did you make good on those resolutions? Did you have the courage to try something new?

Every second is precious. We all experienced loss and had to overcome struggles in 2023. We all experienced joy and friendships. There were moments we hoped would never end and moments we couldn't wait to get out of. What's important is that we are able to look back after any length of time and know that every moment was appreciated.

Sanders County saw some changes in 2023. There were new businesses, new residents and new political leaders. There was a huge construction project on Main Street in Thompson Falls that felt neverending, but there were also miles of county roads that were paved that helped local traffic, including Blue Slide Road, Railroad Road in Noxon, River Road West and Upper Lynch in Plains.

It's about time. How will you spend your time in 2024? Is it time to make some changes or are you satisfied with how your time is spent?

My hope for 2024 is that people can focus on having productive discussions. In 2023, I attended some very heated public discussions on a variety of topics. It was disheartening to hear the way people spoke to each other. At one event here at my business, I was trying to video carolers during the holidays. When I listened to the video, the clearest sound was instead someone raising their voice and badgering a visitor.

I believe that the best progress comes when people work together. When we take the time to listen to each other and hear someone else's point of view — even if we don't agree with them — we can come together and find compromise for the good of everyone.

What are your hopes for 2024? Email us at [email protected]. — ­ Annie Wooden


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