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Letter: Lamentations fall flat

Taking exception to Mr. Elliott’s column on the 14th of March

Mr. Elliott’s lamentations of the Republicans of old falls flat on its face in every aspect of those who have lived and learned and seen our political and judicial processes of our elected officials in D.C. become more and more perverted as the two parties became incestuous seemingly right under our eyes. Mr. Elliott further laments how the Republican Party has been taken over by a radical right movement we call MAGA, inspired by former president Trump during the 2016 presidential election and ever since. This is where he exposes his naivety or willingness to use the standard practice of the Democrat Party to gaslight the American people made easy by their handmaidens of the mainstream media. The truth is MAGA are the people who have not been duped or perverted over the last 30 years and believe in a limited government, balanced budgets, the rule of law and equal treatment under the law, the Constitution, fair and honest elections, schools that teach reading, writing, math, science and history. Not racism or gender mutilations directly from the democrat party platform passed down through a D.C. teachers union apparatus. In short Mr. Elliott, the people you lament and characterize as some far right wing boogeyman, are the folks who are grounded in the belief that America did not need to be fundamentally transformed into a Marxist style of governance, It’s not in our DNA Mr. Elliott. Putting this simply, we have never changed or mutated, you and your party and those we call rhinos are the ones who have gone over the cliff of liberalism into a vision of absolute rule in every aspect of our lives.

Mr. Elliott then closes with his pride in the democrat party and to that I respond by asking who in their right mind believes in open borders, open jails with no consequences for criminal behavior, believes in starting wars, believes Hamas should be celebrated and Israel castigated, believes our children should be indoctrinated not taught critical skills. And above all for me personally the perversion of our federal police agencies and our DOJ who created false evidence and swore to it all for the purpose of eliminating a political opponent who dared to be an “outsider”. Many readers will go on with my listings and cite several more egregious anti American, anti family, anti justice and other hideous displays of unchecked bad human behavior. If you are proud of this Mr. Elliott I find that very disturbing.

Chris Hill, Trout Creek


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