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No shortage of kindness for local Adopt-A Family

Every year at this time, Sanders County Coalition for Families (SCCFF) staff are scrambling to make their Christmastime program fly. The Adopt-A-Family effort connects donors with families who could use a little extra under the Christmas tree – or anything at all. “There are families in our area that struggle financially this time of year,” noted Crys Buchanan, SCCFF’s program coordinator, “whether it is because seasonal work has ended or because of unfortunate circumstances, there are children who might experience a slim Christmas or who are in need of vital winter clothing that most kids might receive under the tree.”

In the past, Buchanan has used November to seek and recruit volunteers and donors to help families on their list that consists of ages, gender and families in need. Donors use the list with information about their adopted family to find gifts appropriate for each member of that family. Some years have been rough in finding enough help in time, but this year is an anomaly – or a testament of the effectiveness of the program and the solidarity of the community. “We have 14 families up for adoption this year, totaling about 50 children,” Buchanan explained, “but rather than put a call out for help adopting them, we need to put out a big thank you.”

The gratitude is to acknowledge the returning donors made up of churches, organizations, individuals and families who have agreed to take on the Adopt-A-Family needs. “These past donors said they had such a good time and positive experience with this program that they would like to participate again. So, of the 14 families in need, all but one have been adopted,” said Buchanan, who is confident that one more generous heart will step up to fill that need.

“I just think that it is a great thing that the program is ‘neighbor-helping-neighbor’ – obviously all of the families are within the county lines, but this year all of the donors are, as well,” shared Buchanan. While the adoption needs have nearly been fulfilled, SCCFF is inviting volunteers to join them after church services Sunday, December 17 for a special wrapping day for all of the gifts that will have been purchased for the adoptees. “many hands make light work, so the more the merrier,” said Buchanan. Usually, the group is also seeking wrapping paper and supplies for that effort, but Buchannan noted that an anonymous donor delivered mounds of wrapping paper, gift tags and bows for the program which will ensure the thoughtful gifts have festive presentation, as well.

“We really can’t thank the community enough. We’ve been doing this for years and we are continually impressed with the generosity and willingness of our friends and neighbors to look out for those less-fortunate,” said Buchanan.

For more information about the Adopt-A Family program, to volunteer or help SCCFF with other operations call 827-3218.


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