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Paradise sewing group creates special gifts

Every Monday, a group of women gather at the Paradise Methodist Church for a day of sewing. From 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., they sew quilts, knit hats or crochet items, and embroider on quilt squares and other materials such as pillow cases. They are not a quilting club that sews quilts for themselves or fundraisers. They are a charity sewing group.

"We started about 10 years ago and started sewing for charity," Judy Hawley said. Today there are eight to 10 ladies in the group. "We scare the male people away," the women joked. "But, all are welcome to join us," Hawley said. 4-H kids used to come with materials from their grandmas' closets. They helped with the sewing, Hawley added.

The group has donated quilts to the Valor House in Missoula that helps homeless veterans find permanent housing. "The quilts are for their new homes," Hawley said.

Dorothy McCune has knitted several hats for various organizations. Her hats have been sent overseas to veterans, doctors offices in Missoula for veterans, and to local children in need. "I like to embroider too. And I am lucky to be here with these ladies," McCune said. She was working on embroidered pillow cases last week.

Bonnie Neff orchestrated the diaper making project. "Diapers to Haiti," Hawley called it. "It's all Bonnie's fault." An orphanage in Haiti needed cloth diapers. "We started making diapers," Hawley said. The group sewed over 500 diapers. "A lot of t-shirts were used for that project," she added. Some diapers went to Guatemala and the group sewed skirts and dresses for school uniforms in Honduras. "The girls would not be able to go to school without their uniforms," Neff and the other ladies said.

Susan Lepore is one of the newest members of the group. She said she wants to learn how to quilt. Judy Stevens was busy sewing her quilt squares together. Shirley King was busy on the sewing machine as well. Two of the women not present were Dayna Dickerson and Lores Porter. Dickerson had a quilting machine gifted to her. She brought it to the church for the group to use. "Now we just have to figure it out," Hawley said.

The Stitch N Time ladies have been busy making quilts for people who have lost their homes in the River Road East Fire that burned in Paradise this summer. "So far we have had three requests for quilts. We will make them for whomever is in need," Hawley said. She added that they have made quilts for hospitals and local nursing homes. "We appreciate the Paradise Methodist Church as we have commandeered their hall. And we appreciate all who have donated so much."

To donate material or join the group, contact Hawley at (406) 826-0167 or call the Paradise Methodist Church at (406) 826-1111.


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