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TC Adventist School takes educational road trip

On May 15, students from Trout Creek Adventist School embarked on an exciting educational journey to the Montana State Capitol. The group, comprised of eager fourth to eighth graders, enjoyed a day filled with learning and exploration in the heart of Montana's government.

The highlight of their visit was receiving copies of both the Montana State Constitution and the U.S. Constitution, generously provided by the Secretary of State's office. These important documents will serve as valuable resources for the students as they continue their studies in civics and history

Teachers and chaperones from Trout Creek Adventist School expressed their gratitude for the enriching experience, noting how it inspired the students to take an active interest in their state's history and governance. The trip not only enhanced their knowledge but also instilled a sense of pride and responsibility as future citizens of Montana.

This visit to the Capitol is sure to be a memorable highlight of the school year for these young scholars, fostering a lasting appreciation for the principles and structures that govern their state and country.

The students spent four days last month in Great Falls and Helena. At Montana Wild, they learned about bats and birds of prey. They toured the C.M. Russell Museum and hiked at First Peoples Buffalo Jump State Park. In Helena they made pottery at the Bray, where many of the bricks were made for the beginnings of Montana buildings, toured the first governor's mansion and hiked at Tower Rock State Park.


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