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Session set to focus on depression and anxiety

A free information session will help those struggling with anxiety and depression decide if an upcoming workshop would be right for them.

During the Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program, attendees will learn to identify depression and anxiety, as well as their causes. Tackling these issues will help improve emotional intelligence, a trait that is considered by experts to be vital in navigating relationships with family, friends and employers. The classes hope depression and anxiety recovery will enhance energy levels and moods – both of which are detrimentally affected by the emotional equivalent of ‘feeling down in the dumps.’

Non-working lifestyle choices will be identified, with focus on creating choices that work to positively change one’s life and moods. Often, diet can play a role in how people feel day to day, and poor diet can open the door for mental and cognitive complications which can compound feelings of depression and anxiety. Finding positive dietary habits sets the stage for optimal brain function.

Participants will also learn tips and tricks to manage stress in their lives, without further distressing themselves. When the root of negative feelings comes from loss of some sort, the person living in a dark cloud may need to learn tools to live above the loss. Facilitators will emphasize the goal of defeating depression and anxiety through ‘right thinking’ to help those suffering to achieve peak mental performance that will carry over into nearly every aspect of their lives.

The Depression and Anxiety Recovery Program’s free sessions will take place at various locations around the county to help those interested decide if the program is right for them. Thompson Falls Senior Center will host an informational session Monday, January 8, 6:30 p.m., 1191 Mt. Silcox Drive. There will also be a session Tuesday, January 9, 6:30 p.m. in Plains at the Clark Fork Valley Hospital Event Center located at 10 Krueger Road in Plains. The last informational session will be in Hot Springs at Seventh-Day Adventist Church, 301 Demers Street, Wednesday, January 10 at 6:30 p.m.

For more information contact David Jabs at 406-890-4803.


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