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Opinion / Letters To The Editor

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  • Broadening perspectives

    Jul 20, 2023

    Student absences can wreak havoc with a teacher’s daily lesson plans, so I was at one time pretty impatient about parents who failed to land their kids in school on time and every school day. One family seemed particularly careless about this, and over some months I had come to judge those parents in uncomplimentary terms, particularly since the father was a county law enforcement officer who from my perspective should have been setting a better example. Then early one morning my wife and I were headed west through Thompson Falls, not yet at t...

  • Now is the time to comment

    Jul 6, 2023

    The Northwestern Energy (NWE) Thompson Falls Hydro facility is working on the renewal of their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license. The last license was issued in 1979. I believe NWE has been and will continue to be excellent stewards of the Clark Fork River and surrounding lands, but with the new license proposal there are a few items of concern. The previous license allowed NWE to draft (lower) the reservoir level up to four feet at any given time. Over the last 45 years or so, NWE chose not to use the 4 foot draft as a normal...

  • Read NWE reports and comment

    Jun 29, 2023

    The Northwestern Energy (NWE) Thompson Falls Hydro facility is working on the renewal of their Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license. The last license was issued in 1979. I believe NWE has been and will continue to be excellent stewards of the Clark Fork River and surrounding lands, but with the new license proposal there are a few items of concern. The previous license allowed NWE to draft (lower) the reservoir level up to four feet at any given time. Over the last 45 years or so, NWE chose not to use the 4 foot draft as a normal...

  • Living in the post-truth era

    Jun 22, 2023

    When I was an undergraduate English student I encountered the ivory-tower assumption that being educated had something to do with mankind’s search for what is good, beautiful and true. The corollary was that continuous reading of both current and historic literature was necessary to become truly educated. In other words, wisdom was the goal, familiarity with literature was method. Perhaps a bit conceitedly, practical purposes of schooling were considered less important. This assumption formed the classical education as practiced by Europeans, a...

  • National healthy homes month

    Jun 22, 2023

    Each June, National Healthy Homes Month raises awareness on housing-related health hazards and the steps to take for safe, healthy homes. This year’s theme is “Connecting Home, Health, and YOU” to highlight the important relationship between housing quality and health. One substantial way to maintain a healthy home is to keep it smokefree, whether it’s a private home or an apartment. There is no safe amount of secondhand smoke exposure, and the home is the main place many children and adults are exposed. Secondhand smoke can cause damage...

  • Solution seeking a problem

    May 25, 2023

    As I write this, Senate Bill 337, an act “generally revising laws involving parental rights,” dealing specifically with parents’ rights involving curriculum and instruction in public schools, has been sent to the governor’s desk for signing. In my view, this law is a solution seeking a problem. I say that because in 34 years’ experience in public education, I never once saw parents denied access to viewing or discussing curriculum in their school. I did see parents lose their argument, mainly because they came in hot and when they’d vented, the...

  • Don't blame the children

    May 18, 2023

    Republican legislators did an outstanding job of humiliating the transgender population during the last session in Helena. They made national news too! As an 87-year-old mother and grandmother, I abhorred the shame and hostility some legislators directed toward transgendered youth and their needed medical care. Society doesn’t deny medical service for teenagers born with Down Syndrome, cerebral palsy or other physical abnormalities. Yet our legislators voted to deny medical assistance to transgender teenagers. Parents and their physician s...

  • Kudos for Constitution Bowl

    May 11, 2023

    I just wanted to give kudos to JJ & Kate Hardman, Rep. Paul and Jennifer Fielder, and the many volunteers for pulling off a fantastic Constitution Bowl! They put in many hours coaching kids and organizing this "Family Feud" style event teaching our young people a fun way of learning the United States constitution. And all of us viewers who attended learned a lot as well! High school and junior high students attended and earned some fantastic prizes, well earned and congratulations for a job well done! Shame on those schools who refused to take...

  • Wolf reimbursement program grows

    Apr 27, 2023

    My name is Glenn Schenavar, board member and Chapter Chairman of the Sanders County Chapter of the Foundation for Wildlife Management. We are holding our annual banquet on May 13th, 2023 at 50 Wilson Lane, the Bar JR Arena in Whitepine, Montana. Last year we raised $58,000 for our wolf reimbursement program. This year due to successful Sanders County and Flathead chapters banquet fundraising, we were able to take reimbursements in Region one and Region two to $750 per wolf. Thanks for all the support from sportsmen and trappers! The Foundation...

  • Focus on the students

    Apr 27, 2023

    Trout Creek School. Why is so many people worked up about our little school. It used to be well run teacher and para were treated with respect. Oh, wait a minute, it’s not all about teacher and para. It should be all about our kids. After all, if it weren’t for our children there would be no school in Trout Creek, so let’s talk about them instead of archery. Oh, and by the way I love archery and the program, but what about our music, program, our track and field. Oops, we don’t have them anymore. Why? Our principal took them away because...

  • Enabling patterns of breakdown

    Apr 13, 2023

    The Pope Who Would Be King, by David I. Kertzer, is the biography of a man placed in a position of immense power almost against his own will, and of how he dealt with that power. It’s a great read for anyone interested in the ancient tension between centralized authority and authority “of the people, by the people, and for the people”, or between conservatism and liberalism. But as with much of history, the real interest comes from considering contemporary events in the light of history’s lessons. Pius IX (Giovanni Mastai Ferretti, 1792-1878) w...

  • Compact deserves closer look

    Apr 6, 2023

    Dear Governor Greg: I sure wish you would take a serious look back on this CSKT water compact. I understand the urge to postulate to the tribes as a gesture, thinking no harm in it. After reviewing the treaties, the sale of the property, and the agricultural operations that have been going on since without any harm to anyone or create environmental issues. What compelled you and our Republican senator, just sign off on this? As a law person I see simple text in the U.S. Constitution, and the Montana Constitution, the Tribes representation is...

  • Public land in danger

    Apr 6, 2023

    What does the loss of recreational land mean to the citizens of Plains? Eventual loss of almost 9,000 acres Need public input on what land is most important to save Needing financial backing to save land This summer, almost 9,000 acres are going to go up for market in both Combest Creek and Swamp Creek. Up to this point this land has been privately owned by multiple different companies that have allowed public access. This land has been used for multi-recreational uses for many outdoorsmen. Without the input of concerned citizens, all this...

  • Destroy or restore constitution

    Mar 30, 2023

    Dear Editor, In response to Mr. Rude’s letter; “Hands off the constitution,” I would like to speak specifically to the U.S. Constitution. George Washington said, “The constitution … approaches nearer to perfection than any government hitherto instituted among men.” The adoption of the Constitution, “will demonstrate as visibly the finger of Providence as any possible event in the course of human affairs can ever designate it.” Benjamin Franklin made the observation that this nation would be a “rising sun not a setting sun”. Living under this in...

  • Wholehearted thanks to the 47

    Mar 23, 2023

    In Montana the rivers and streams belong to all of us. We have the right to fish, float, swim and play in the state waters given to us by Montana’s stream access law. Even if the stream is flowing through private property, the water still belongs to us all. The law respects private property rights by requiring that recreators stay below the high-water mark and use public entrances. Stream access has not set well with the ultra-rich who build McMansions along our rivers. They assume their wealth will protect them from seeing kids on 5-dollar i...

  • Professional response from school

    Mar 23, 2023

    Regardless of the final determination, the Thompson Falls school board and administration should be commended for the prompt and professional way they have handled the request to consider a 4-day school week. After the request was made, the district submitted a survey to parents and staff. When the survey results were heavily in favor of the 4-day week, the administrators reached out to other districts using a 4-day schedule regarding their experiences, and scheduled a special meeting for more public input. The issue is complex, with lots of...

  • Hands off the constitution

    Mar 16, 2023

    Methinks there is mischief afoot. I’m a big fan of constitutions, at least those under which Americans and Montanans live. Constitutions evolved over thousands of years of bloody struggle over who really holds sovereignty – the people, or the aristocracy. The good ones are truly unique historical inventions, being marks of reason, genius, knowledge, and patriotism. And they provide the stability needed for security and progress. But a constitution isn’t foolproof. It only works if citizens agree to live under it. Frequent or easy changes mean...

  • Kudos to students

    Mar 9, 2023

    Farmhouse Blooms would like to thank all the students, parents and faculty of Thompson Falls High School for the kindness and patience with tuxes, corsages and boutonnieres. The young men and women were really a pleasure to work with and there are many more wonderful things to come for this great group of students. A real pleasure to work with all of you! Nanette, Pearl, Mary, Tracy & Angela, Thompson Falls...

  • Meeting was professional

    Mar 2, 2023

    The editorial in the 24 February Ledger discusses the changes in behavior at county meetings over time. Conduct by attendees at the Board of Health meeting on 15 February, which I attended, was specifically referenced. Attendees behaved as most would expect and want at a public meeting held to conduct, and in this case, complete, a public action. I give enormous credit to Commissioner Tony Cox for establishing immediately the purpose of the meeting and the expected standard of behavior. He allowed public comment while keeping the meeting...

  • Utter depravity displayed

    Dec 29, 2022

    In light of the recent horrific murder of four college students; nearby in Moscow, Idaho. It has shed even more light on the darkness and blatant disregard for life that exists today. It has shaken families, friends, a college, a state and a nation. We pray comfort for all who are dealing with this tragedy and loss. I still have to wonder what any one of the 2,344 voters in Sanders County (who voted against LR-131 “Born Alive Infant Protection Act”), would have done if they had been there at the time. Would they claim to have been “co...

  • Exceptional service

    Dec 1, 2022

    I just wanted to give a shoutout to our local DMV. I have in the past looked forward to dealing with the DMV (Drivers Licensing) with the same anticipation as going to my dentist for a tooth extraction. The young lady that does drivers licensing at the Sanders County courthouse is exceptional. She was great, very courteous, friendly , I was in and out in just a few minutes and treated very well. I could not have been treated better.Well done, I look forward to getting another renewal. Thank you, Ron Hawkinson, Thompson Falls...

  • Election misinformation

    Nov 24, 2022

    Regarding the letter from Gunner Junge (Sanders County Ledger, Nov. 17, 2022), there are many points that I could take issue with, but I will focus on only a few. Yes, the United States is a democracy and, yes, the United States is a republic. The representatives of this republic are selected through a democratic process. That is the modern definition of a democracy. Regarding the comparison of election results timing in Florida and Arizona, Mr. Junge appears to be confusing 1) "calling" election winners, and 2) counting all the votes in an...

  • Don't believe everything you read

    Nov 17, 2022

    DÉJÀ VU: Why we shouldn't believe everything we hear or read. Perceptions and opinions aren't always reality. What a certain person calls "confirmation bias" another rather famous career politician's brother (using his brother's influence for their own international business dealings in money laundering) would call "plausible deniability." Let someone else claim, "There's no evidence of any election fraud in America... or Montana... other than that one case waaaay back in 2011." Case closed. Those who know some recent history would disagree. Ot...

  • Start paying attention

    Nov 3, 2022

    Within the past few weeks, many Sanders County residents have learned of legislation that threatens the water rights of many of those living in Northwest Montana. Last Saturday, October 29, there was a meeting at the White Pine Mennonite Church for the purpose of getting information out to Sanders County residents concerning the loss of their water rights as the result of The Tribal Water Compact. My conservative estimate as to the number of people in attendance is 160 to 180 people. During the first portion of the presentation, the speaker...

  • Hinds is the best choice

    Oct 27, 2022

    Editor, We have been fortunate to be friends with Colleen Hinds for over 45 years. Colleen is running for House District 13, and she is the best candidate for the job. Her decade’s long history as a nurse at Bonner General Hospital has showcased her compassionate nature and boundless work ethic. Besides being a good listener, she is intelligent, creative and understands the concerns of working class citizens. Colleen Hinds is the best choice to be our Representative from HD 13. Sincerely, Debbie and Dave Lyman, Heron...

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